Monday, September 19, 2005

Emmy reaction

And the Emmmys wonder why they don't get the respect that Oscar does.

People make fun of the Golden Globes but at least they have the guts to select new shows and performers and be a bit forward thinking.

Nobody's a bigger "Raymond" fan than me but "Desperate Housewives" was the most talked about show in TV this year and it should've been rewarded as such with best comedy. (Though it's really not a comedy but that's another rant for another time.)

And don't even get me started on William Shatner and James Spader. If there was any justice in the world, "Deadwood's" Ian McShane should've won. But when he didn't, he should've let loose a classic Al Swearengen expletive to let the whole audience know how robbed he was.

1 comment:

Jon Weisman said...

Well, "talked about" is not the same as "best." And I heard many talk about DH but few say it was the best.

That being said, as we've discussed, I thought Raymond's final season was inconsistent. Scrubs or Arrested Development would have been far better choices.

Shatner was surely a strange choice, but Patricia Arquette? How could three people have voted for her?